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duracion de MDMA en agua.
consulta, me sobro MDMA en una botellita de agua. La pregunta es (si es que alguno sabe), cuanto tiempo puedo guardar el agua sin que pierda las propiedades para la que fue creada ?
Tuve una botella 6 meses con un poco de agua, bien cerrada, guardada en un cajon, a oscuras.
La tome y pego como esperaba, sin ningun problema. No tenia feo gusto tampoco (bah salvo el gusto asqueroso del cristal)
[-] Los siguientes 2 usuarios dicen gracias a Stitch por este mensaje:
  • Bonanote, fpeople
Muchas gracias !!! seguramente le mande mucho anteees de que pasen 6 meses asique me re sirve la info !
Dejo info:

rescato esto del post: 

Cita:We don't know what's packed into unregulated drugs, so experts can't say with complete certainty how long your coke or acid will last or what will happen to it when it's "old," whatever that means. But they can tell us this: Amphetamine, amphetamine derivatives (like MDMA), and synthetic molecules are incredibly stable and resistant to degradation, says study author Fernando Caudevilla, aka DoctorX, an illicit drugs expert heavily involved in Energy Control, an international project dedicated to recreational drug use safety.

It's possible that these drugs may undergo chemical changes over time, but your stash will likely just lose potency as the weeks and months tick by, Caudevilla says. Synthetic drugs like acid, coke, and ecstasy, and naturally grown drugs like mushrooms and weed, can retain their potency for months or even years if kept in the right conditions.

"Here's the rule of thumb, with all drugs, no matter how much stability data we have," Sachleben says. "These four things are bad: air, heat, light, and water." These elements are damaging enough to cause even incredibly stable substances, like the ones mentioned above, to lose their potency in as little as a few days or weeks, Caudevilla says.

Other factors can also speed up degradation: Improper drying techniques (for weed or shrooms) and certain cutting agents can weaken the strength of the drug more quickly. In that case, its unofficial shelf life is largely up to whoever manufactured your batch. You can do your part to make your stash last by keeping it in a sealed container, like a pill bottle or airtight baggie, in the fridge, says Sachleben, who now sits on the expert panel at the American Chemistry Society.

De todos modos buen punto, no creo que pase nada, menos siendo que la vas a tomar en menos de 6 meses uajauaj

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